Yours truly and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day

Do you ever have a day were its just a line-up of awful, infuriating occurrences waiting to take place one after another? I've found that these days tend to be made up of tiny little annoyances that add up and make me want to throw myself off of 4 million popsicle sticks stacked up on top of each other. Perhaps like Alexander, your sweater gets wet in the sink. Or perhaps like me, you wake up and go use the bathroom just to sit on ur brothers pee because he refuses to lift the flap, flush, or even try to aim. He doesn't turn on the lights, close the door, or open his eyes when doing so... so just imagine the lovely puddles I have to start my morning off with by encountering. Perhaps you just want to relax after potentially failing your Driver's test but you come home to a horribly messy explosion of a room. The worst part is, it's all your fault because you were the one that let it pile up. At that moment, when I want to sit down and there's no wear to sit down, I take my rage out on the 5 different pairs of jeans that I left on my exponentially expanding chair pile after I tried on just to not wear because I look like a hippo in them. Something I found that really annoys me for no reason is when devices die. Especially, if all your devices die at the same time. If I'm watching a movie while going on my phone, there have been occasions were my laptop dies, my phone dies, both my airpods die, and I go to charge the airpods just to find that my airpod case has died. Again, all of which are my fault, which makes it worse somehow. As unpleasant as it is to admit, I do think that I can feel better about my problems when I can blame it on someone else. I also have to admit, that these are all first-world problems that could make me seem like an ungrateful brat. But that also doesn't mean that I can just not get annoyed simply because other people are going through worse things. I actually think that concept is somewhat pretentious. "Don't feel bad about your situation because there are homeless kids". I feel like this is an idea spread by people's needs to compare and feel superior, even when it comes to reasons to feel annoyed. Perhaps two physical reasons that cause me to feel this annoyed this easily is because of the heat, and because I've just woken up from a nap. There's something about waking up from a mediocre nap, parched, burning with heat, itchy, and realizing you've wasted an afternoon and slowly processing how much work you have to do. Finally, best for last, or rather, worst for last, the biggest cause of my rage, my lovely mother. Don't get me wrong, I love my mother. But her nagging can be... hmm... how do I phrase this... absolutely intolerable. I think that she lives to nag. I'll have to leave it at that before I go off on a tangent in case she sees this someday. bai. 

other things that annoy me more than they should

- autocorrect, especially since it autocorrects me INCORRECTLY when I don't need it, but won't autocorrect me when I can't figure out how to spell something.

- stubbing your toe when you are in a rush.

- google maps repeating the directions more than once in row when you have a headache.

- spending so much energy on food just for it to taste bad.

- WHEN THE WIFI IS SLOW WHY DO I PAY FOR YOU VERIZON. "nations best provider" my foot, one time I was watching a verizon ad (involuntarily ofc) and it didn't load because my verizon wifi was too slow. such liars.

- when we are out, and my parents can't stop asking staff or other people questions (especially when the staff has already answered their question from before but they just weren't paying attention).

- when my brother makes a fair point.

- when quizlet tells me I'm wrong because of a one letter difference or lack of a period.

- when there's an error on a website that I can't fix.

- actually I don't think I should dwell in these negative thoughts. bai fr. 


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